Public School Transportation Stipend

Apply now for a Transportation Stipend for the 2024-25 school year.
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Partners in Public Education

Florida offers a wide variety of educational options within the public school system, including magnet schools with specific themes, charter schools with unique approaches, and other innovative models.

Every child has unique needs and sometimes the best school may be one other than the one he/she is assigned. To support the transportation costs associated with traveling to a different public school than the one the student has been assigned, families can benefit from a transportation stipend of $750.
Bridging the Gap: Supporting Students Through Transportation Scholarships

Easy to Apply: Families can easily apply for the stipend through Step Up For Students.

Financial Assistance: $750 stipend per household

Access to Education: Enables students to attend a non-virtual public school that is different than their assigned school.

How Does It Work?

Money for the transportation stipend is distributed to participating families once a year. Parents must upload a report card or progress report via their EMA portal prior to receiving payment.
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Are We Eligible?

A transportation stipend is available to households, regardless of income, with student(s) in K-8 who are Florida residents. Unique to this program, stipends are issued per household, not student.

Priority is given to those students who received a Transportation Scholarship during the 2023-24 school year.
Frequently Asked Questions


For handbooks and other helpful information view our resources page

Stepping Up To Success

“Without Step Up I don’t know if I would be able to reach the goals I’m about to reach.”

Step Up Scholarship Recipient
“I’ve always felt education was No. 1 over everything, I always wanted to prove it to myself.”

Zoe Elverillo
Step Up Scholarship Recipient
“Private school is different. The classes are smaller…There’s not one teacher that doesn’t care (here).”
Carlos Escobar
Step Up Scholarship Recipient

Video Library

How to create your FTC/FES-EO account
How to complete an FTC/FES-EO application
Document checklist for FTC/FES-EO applications