Tag: Personalized Education Program

We’ve found “4” articles in tag archives for “Personalized Education Program”

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Wherefore art thou Genevieve? She's directing the Tallahassee Homeschool Shakespeare Club

Drywall is piled three feet high in the attic of Emily and Alan Lemmon’s home in Tallahassee. It was placed there a few years ago, intended for walls as the couple finished the top floor. But these days the stack serves a different purpose. Surrounded by white sheets used as backdrops and placed directly under […]
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Taking control of their children's education with the help of the PEP scholarship

Gabriel Lynch III was born five months early and weighed 1.8 ounces when he entered this world fighting for his life. He spent his first three months in an Orlando hospital. When he was just weeks old, he was removed from an incubator and airlifted to a Tampa hospital for heart surgery. By then, Gabriel […]
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Of pop art, plate tectonics and a super-strong Minotaur: How PEP allows one family to tailor lessons to their children's interests

Something about the Periodic Table of Elements grabs Conrad Black’s interest. All those chemicals and their atomic numbers. He heard about it, read about it, but didn’t know anything about it. Until this past school year. For his fifth-grade science course, Conrad chose to learn about energy and chemistry – specifically, the Periodic Table. “He […]
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A student with many interests has many options thanks to his Personalized Education Program

Cooper Campen is the spelling bee champion of Alachua County who plays the trumpet, reads John Grisham novels, and would like to be a mechanical engineer. Or a doctor. Or a lawyer. He is 12 years old, a young man of many interests. Science. History. Music. Words. And this: Education choice. Cooper, 12, is homeschooled […]
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